You’ll love the hard-shell patients at The Georgia Sea Turtle Center

Along the Georgia Coast about half way between Savannah and Jacksonville, FL is Jekyll Island. Once known as an exclusive winter retreat for America’s elite families, today the island is popular as a beach vacation destination and golfer’s paradise.

The Georgia Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Center on Jekyll Island ~ PullOverandLetMeOut

It’s also home to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center.

Erika the sea turtle in rehabilitation at the GSTC ~ PullOverandLetMeOut

The Georgia Sea Turtle Center opened in 2007. Since then the hospital has been dedicated to sea turtle rehabilitation, education and research.

Housed in what was once the island’s power plant, the center welcomes visitors and provides an opportunity to see these amazing creatures up close as they recover from injury or illness.

Visitors are welcome to spend time with sea turtles as they rehabilitate at GSTC ~ PullOverandLetMeOut

The Sea Turtle Center is  committed to educating the public about the plight of sea turtles.  The GSTC education team boasts a variety of programs including;  field trips, group tours, summer programs and scout programs.  Kids can even “shell-e-brate” birthdays at the center.

This eco-friendly tourist attraction allows guests to look in on patients at the hospital and learn the difference between turtles, terrapins and tortoises.  There are also interactive exhibits and displays geared towards children making the center a family-friendly treat.

Education is a large part of the mission of the Georgia Sea Turtle Center ~ PullOverandLetMeOut




Your visit doesn’t have to end when you leave the GSTC – you can become involved  and help out by either donating, becoming a member or through their adopt-a-sea-turtle program.

Or, you can really “come out of your shell” and volunteer.  Multiple opportunities are available to assist at the center.  All are great ways to support a worthy cause.

A couple of young Diamond Back Terrapins ~ PullOverandLetMeOut

The Georgia Sea Turtle Center is a must see when visiting Jekyll Island, Georgia.  Children and adults will delight in experiencing and learning about these hard-shell reptiles that have inhabited earth for millions of years.

Jekyll Island is no longer the exclusive playground for Rockefellers, Goulds, Morgans and Pullitzers –  today the barrier island plays a vital role in educating the public and rehabilitating  injured and ill sea turtles.

Georgia Sea Turtle Center

214 Stable Road

Jekyll Island, GA 31527


GSTC on Jekyll Island, GA ~







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