North Carolina Museum of Art; where art and nature combine


GyreThe North Carolina Museum of Art is an amazing treasure in the Heart of Carolina.

Located in Raleigh it is one of a small group of museums that combines nature with major collections of art.

With over three miles of trails winding throughout the Museum Park the NCMA creates a collage of art and nature in a most unique setting.

The NCMA is set to dedicate the Blue Loop -multi-modal recreational trail which is another step in a decades long project combining art, nature and a healthy lifestyle.

Here is a piece I’ve written about the opening of the Blue Loop.

If your travels bring you to Raleigh, a visit to the North Carolina Museum of Art is a must.  This one of a kind museum features amazing works of arts in a setting that welcomes art lovers of all levels in an inviting atmosphere.

“It’s called the Blue Loop because it’s an art museum and we like colors” according to Dan Gottlieb, Director of Planning, Design andMuseum Park.

The North Carolina Museum of Art is preparing to celebrate the opening of a large new portion of the museum grounds. Saturday April 13th the NCMA officially dedicates the Blue Loop multi-modal recreational trail from 10:30 am until 1 pm.

Included in the free festivities will be an official ribbon cutting as well as speeches, music by Big Medicine Bluegrass Band and food trucks.

The North Carolina A&T marching band will be on hand to lead the procession and invite the public to take the inaugural mile-long walk around the Blue Loop.

Upon successful completion of the mile vouchers for admission to 0-60: The Experience of Time through Contemporary Art exhibition will be awarded.

 Why such fanfare for a recreational trail?

The Blue Loop is another step in an ongoing process that for the past several decades has been transforming the land surrounding the original museum building and the property adjacent to it which once housed a youth prison.

Gone are the days of the old barracks and barbed wire – today the North Carolina Museum of Art is a proud member of a tiny group of art museums combining nature and art by creating a collage of experiences between the two.

To read more click here

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2 thoughts on “North Carolina Museum of Art; where art and nature combine”

  1. I think if you’re doing any sort of traveling throughout the US, the state art museums in each state are great attractions. Seeing what kinds of art come from the different regions of the US is really interesting, and several have originals from very famous American artists. Raleigh’s museum looks like a great place to visit, I’ll keep it in mind next time I come through!

    1. It’s a great museum and the grounds surrounding it incorporate art and nature in such a splendid way. It’s really a treasure here in the Heart of Carolina!

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